February Journey 2018

I have to say I am oh so proud that I have managed to keep myself accountable and excited about photographing every single day. Some days get challenging but I have to keep the big picture in mind. My goal is to have a full collection of daily images to paint the story of our lives.

I am gonna be so honest and it is so embarrassing to admit, but when Kasen was born (my first son) I created a book for him. It was titled “ONE.” It was my intention to make an album every year of his life. Then, my second child, was born.... need I say more? Can you busy mamas all relate to this conundrum? I have yet to make another book for ANYONE in my family. Life has been crazy busy and overwhelming- wonderful, but challenging.

So these images and this journey I am documenting will give me everything I need to finally add another book to our collection. I am so excited!

Making family books is one of my favorite things to do, for myself and for clients. I have made books for clients, but this time it is our turn to reap the benefits! So I am here posting the journey of February. And, if you need a little hand and guidance with documenting your beautiful life, I am your gal... Just give me a holler!

Thanks for stopping by friends!

Here is a sample from Leyla Kuhn Photography product line. Contact for details!

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