Prep Those Kiddos! A Moms Guide To Preparing Kids for a Photoshoot

As a mom of two boys, running and screaming children does not faze me! I love it! Its the essence in the spirit of childhood and sometimes the moments that capture the most amazing images. But being 'the mom' of the 'wild and spirited kids' during a photo shoot can be CHALLENGING! Trust- I get it! You have crossed all your T's and dotted your i's, picked their clothes, booked the day, dragged your hubs out there. You want the experience to run smoothly and be fun for EVERYONE! Here are a few tips to make the experience a time everyone will remember:

  • Let Go of Perfection. If you are like me, you worry and plan out every possible outcome and have a plan B, C and D ready to go. This is a great attitude, but know that family portraits can come in many shapes and sizes. There are so many options for capturing photos, because there are so many amazing photographers and people who are capable of getting a shot. What will make your portrait session stand out is the connection you make with your family. Know that I will not force anyone to smile or always look directly at the camera. I will try to get everyones eyes, but the best shots are those where there is a story and love between family. These portraits are documenting this stage in your life, so tickle and laugh let go of the perfection and let in the beautiful chaos of love!
  • Have everyone fed and bring extra mess free snacks. Happy belly = happy life. So make sure everyone is calm and well fed. Try to feed children as much as possible before they arrive at the photo shoot so they have energy to "perform" for at least 30 minutes. Breaks are always encouraged, but pack things that are easy to open and wont get all over their clean clothes. 
  • Plan outfits ahead of time, but make sure they are comfortable in what they are wearing. Take the lead in planning outfits for best photographic style, but work together to agree on what is comfortable. If they do not like what they are wearing, their faces will show and will reveal in the portraits. Happy kids and smiles make the best accessories and photos! Sometimes, bribes can help, but never push your limits on photo day. Layers always work well to make sure everyone is comfortable with the weather. Pack an extra outfit just in case an unexplainable accident occurs...You know it will ;)
  • Pack Water. We all know kids get thirsty at the most random times and MUST have their water immediately as if they have been deprived from it for days! So plan and pack the water to avoid a meltdown.
  • Talk to your kids about what will happen. Explain what you will be doing and maybe show them a picture of who will be there. You can find my picture on INSTAGRAM or my FACEBOOK page.  Again, a little treat or special something can go along way with the kids.
  • Let them be themselves. If they smile, great! If they don't, awesome! I want to capture them for who they are. I don't necessarily always want the "cheese" face. If we are having a good time, it will unfold naturally. Don't force them to be anyone they don't want to be.... but that's another lesson in parenting I am not well equipped in! Focus on natural emotions and loving interactions. 
  • HAVE FUN AND KEEP SMILING! Really the most important tip. Weather its a 2 hour shoot or 30 minutes. Enjoy the blocked time with your family with no interruptions. There will be no technology, tv, calls or unnecessary elements. Have fun with your family, play, frolic and dance like nobody is watching! But really, just focus on the love you share together sitting, walking, reading, singing. You may never even look or smile at the camera, but you will have fun! Whatever it is you do at home, that's what I want to see! I am here to freeze time right there and then to remind you of the lovely family you created at this point in time.
Browse through these examples of real, natural and loving moments. As always thank you for your support!

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