Broken Record: More Good Times!
Kasen was the bravest here. He chose to ride the cars ride. Neither one of us expected the drops which mortified him for about 30 minutes afterwads! I held him so tight, but the poor little guy was shaken up. My poor sweet boy! I have a feeling though, that the thrills of the rides helped him get into his groove as he danced his little heart out toward the end of the night! What a magical time we had. Did I say that yet? I know, seriously guys I am like a broken record. But its true, we had a lovely time making memories. I can't wait for next years adventures.
Everett by this day was very tired but still full of joy. He took the longest nap ever which gave me the perfect amount of time to rest my feet and sip some wine. Great combo, for this busy boy mama!
Up next, in the journey of us is the celebration of Kasen's birthday! He is turning the big 5 and I can't believe it. Tears of happines and mixed emotions will be flowing all year long. Time flies my friends. I've said it once and I'll say it again. Invest in the things that make your heart happy and honor your memories. For soon, that is all they will be... Beautiful memories.
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Let your spirits be wild friends and dance to the rhythm in your hearts!
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