Before and After. Successful Editing Techniques.

Can I let you in on a little secret?
While I try my darn hardest to get the right shot straight out of camera, or SOOC, as we say in the Business! Every image needs a little boost to make all things shine. It has taken me a lot of years in training and practice to get the right settings for every lighting situation during the photoshoot. Its a craft working with children and families and making sure the image tells a story and shows a connection. The only way I shoot is in manual mode, and I try my best to get the shot perfectly on the spot. But, I am human and not perfect! Making beautiful images and branding my photography style sometimes happens in post production. I have also spent a lot of time training in courses for editing techniques and learning the trades of most editing software. This in itself is a craft all in its own and I have so much more to learn!

So feel confident that when you take a chance on Leyla Kuhn Photography,  I treat every image as a piece of fine art. I spend time fine tuning and making sure your images are perfect and ready for your walls! I take pride in making your portraits feel like art. Here are two samples of how I worked the magic in Post Production. Thanks again friends for your support!





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